Education Class:
Intro to Rod Building

Our own resident rod building expert, Mike Foster, will introduce you to manufacturers for rod blanks and supplies as well as walk you through the steps for building your own rod. The cost for your custom rod will depend on the materials you purchase. Below you will find a link to one of the suppliers that Mike uses. If you already have a rod kit, bring it to the meeting. Not sure about whether you want to build your own rod, come check it out and ask questions. The cost for this introductory class is $25 per person. Additional classes will be arranged with Mike if you choose to build a rod. You are responsible for all class materials for the building of the rod.
Note: This class is held at Eagle Ridge Vineyard, 10017 Tesla Rd, Livermore
Rod blank manufacturer: Get Bit Outdoors
Contact Mike Foster at for more information.

Registration and Costs:
Cash price: The cost is $25 for TVFF members.
You may pay by check or cash directly to the Club Treasurer within two weeks of registration. If you do pay cash you will be put into "Pending Registration" until your payment is received within the two weeks. Late payments will require you to register once again if there is space still available.
Credit Card price: The cost is $25.75 for TVFF members (includes 3% credit card surcharge.)

Instructor: Mike Foster,