ConservationConservation is an important part of Tri-Valley Fly fisher’s agenda. We are a fly fishing club dedicated to enjoying the sport; we understand and appreciate the value of protecting our fisheries. TVFF’s Conservation Program is dedicated to the protection and restoration of those fisheries when and if they are threatened. Our program consists of financial support for environmental groups who protect our fisheries, and through active participation in activities and projects as coordinated by our Conservation Director. We believe this is critical to the future of our sport. Yellowstone National Park Conservation ProgramNative Yellowstone Cutthroat ProtectionTri-Valley Fly Fishers has participated in guided trips into Yellowstone Park and surrounding areas over many years. In support of maintaining the native stocks of wild fish in these pristine waters, TVFF has engaged with Yellowstone Forever and its specific wild fisheries organization, Yellowstone National Park Volunteer Fly Fishing Program (YNPVFFP). TVFF supports these organizations with both monetary charitable donation support, and in 2023 with on-site TVFF volunteers to work with local biologists. The Yellowstone Fly Fishing Volunteer Program was conceived in 2002 as a way for Yellowstone's biologists to acquire information about fish populations without having to travel to distant locations throughout the park and sample the populations themselves using electrofishing or other sophisticated gear. In 2023 TVFF participated with six club members over an intense three-day study and fisheries analysis program for native Yellowstone Cutthroat trout in Park waters, including the Lamar River and Slough Creek. Our report on 2023’s activity can be found in the September 2023 newsletter, in the accompanying photo gallery (here), and in the video gallery in our Members-only area. Trout in the Classroom
“Adopt a Creek” Project
The Alameda Creek Alliance
Organizations SupportedThe focus on conservation within the Tri-Valley Fly Fishers is primarily targeted at the ever-present decline in the quality of the fisheries in our little corner of the world. We actively support projects to rehabilitate, restore, and/or enhance the fish habitat of the rivers, streams, and lakes in our area. We monitor reports of problem areas with our fisheries, and when necessary, actively petition the applicable officials to take whatever action is required to ensure that fish are provided water conditions that will support their survival and reproduction. We support most of the conservation efforts of groups like the Federation of Fly Fishers, Cal Trout, California Sport Fishing Alliance, Trout Unlimited, and others. We feel it important to do our part to provide opportunities for our grandchildren, and their grandchildren, etc. to enjoy a great fly-fishing experience, and we fear that if we do nothing a fly-fishing experience will not even be an option for them. |