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Club Opener Event and BBQ at White Pines Lake - Sunday, April 28

  • April 28, 2024
  • 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
  • White Pines Lake, Arnold CA
  • 31


  • Cash/check payment must be received within 14 days of registration. Spouse and children under age 26 can register for $10 each to cover the BBQ.
  • $35 plus 3% credit card fee. Spouse and children under age 26 can register for $10 each plus 3% credit card fee to cover the cost of the BBQ.

Registration is closed

White Pines Lake Outing and BBQ - Sunday April 28

Skills Level:

Lakes: beginner with float tubes to prams,  some accessible shore fishing 

Catch Rate:  Beginner

As a way to celebrate the opening of fishing season, we are planning a club opener event at White Pines Lake near Arnold, CA. This is a one-day club event as a family style event with a BBQ lunch.  This 26 acre lake offers easy access as well as a spectacular setting to start the fishing season. 

White Pines Lake is  located just outside of Arnold, CA. The lake is best fished with a flotation device as the shoreline is heavily timbered and is often busy with other fisherman. There is also a small launch area for kayaks, float tubes, pontoons and cartop boats. 


There is a  park  with picnic areas and a BBQ pits. White Pines Lake and Park is located  is located on the east side of the town of Arnold. Turn left on Blagen Road and in a mile you will see the White Pines Park on your left. The park is open from Sunrise to Sunset. It is suggest getting there early as the parking can fill up.

Any questions regarding this outing, please contact the fishmeisters.


Your cost this year includes your BBQ sandwich and normal beverages such as water and soft drink. If you would like something else, please be sure to bring it along.

Cash price: $35 per TVFF member.  Spouses and children up to age 23 who will be attending will be charged $10 each to cover the cost of the BBQ.  You may pay by check or cash directly to the Club Treasurer within two weeks of registration.  If you do pay cash you will be put into "Pending Registration" until your payment is received within the two weeks. Late payments will require you to register once again if there is space still available.

Credit Card price: $36.05 per TVFF member (Cost includes the 3% credit card fee).  Spouses and children up to age 23 who will be attending will be charged $10.30 each to cover the cost of the BBQ (Cost includes the 3% credit card fee).

Fishmeister: Stephen Holtzclaw :

                               Jeff Fadden :

Accommodations and Food: 

The fishmeisters will be serving up BBQed Tri-tip sandwiches, and asks you to bring a side dish or dessert to share with the group. Picnic tables are available, but it is  suggest bringing a chair.

Each individual is responsible for any accommodations if they choose to stay in the area. 

Gear and Tackle Recommendations:

White Pines Lake is best fished using a stillwater approach. The lake is populated with trout, bass and even crappie. 

The lakes allow for some dry fly fishing in the early morning on the shorelines, but mostly either indicators or streamers during the day with leeches, midges, and callibaetis patterns.

Rod & line weights/types: 4 or 5 weight rods, reels and floating or intermediate lines are more than enough. 

Leaders and tippet: Fishing style dependent but normally a 9’ 4X leader and adjust with added tippet of up to 4-6’ of 5 for the dry flies, and stick with 4X fluoro for the nymphs.

Other gear: It is recommended to utilize a watercraft.

Flies: Effective flies include wiggle tails, wooly buggers and small nymphs in olives, browns and black.

TVFF Cancellation Policy:

To sign-up for a TVFF Event  that is currently open for registration and chargeable (as set by the Fishmeister), you must both register and pay online, or via check or cash, within two weeks of registering (sent to the TVFF Treasurer) whatever fee is described for that particular Event (trip) at the time of registration. There may be multiple payments required before the trip is actually taken (usually in the case of expensive trips), but it is necessary that you do make payment in the above timely fashion for the initial amount to secure your position on the trip.  However, please note that you are still responsible for the entire amount of the trip if you should need to cancel. 

Once you are registered, there are no refunds for chargeable Events and trips.  In the situation that a member is, for any reason unable to attend, they may resell their registration slot to another TVFF member (by first pulling from the waitlist if one exists).  New participants must come first from the waitlist in the order they signed up.  The member cancelling is fully and solely responsible for contacting potential members to replace them and notifying the appropriate Fishmeister.

If an event/trip is fully registered and closed to registration, you may still sign up on the Wait List to be notified if there are any cancellations.  In such a case of registering provisionally on the Wait List, you do not have to pay until such time that you clear the Wait List and are confirmed for participation.

Tri-Valley Fly Fishers

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Protocol

TVFF Outings Policy as of September 20, 2020

As a club, the Tri-Valley Fly Fishers have developed and agreed to a set of required guidelines, protocols and rules in order to help direct our members on ways to stay safe on one-day outings, multi-day outings, or individual “Tag-Alongs”.

These protocols were developed by the TVFF Board of Directors as well as input from other local clubs which included a member virologist, various safety committees, and member experts. We feel that these protocols and guidelines are consistent with public health information and experts. These protocols are assured, observed, and enforced by outing leaders as well as members themselves. Extra masks, spray disinfectant and sanitizer are available from the outing leaders.

Please note that the Tri-Valley Fly Fishers accepts no liability for inadequate protection or the transmission of Covid-19 among members or guests. Therefore, each member should review the following protocols that the Club subscribes to and make an individual decision of whether to participate in an activity or not, based upon their individual circumstances and personal safety.

TVFF Outings protocols are as follows:

  • If you are sick with cold/flu symptoms then we ask you to please stay home
  • Everyone will be responsible for making, bringing, and consuming their own separate food and drinks
  • All attendees should wash and sanitize their hands frequently
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