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Alaska Self-guided Trip - Interest

  • December 13, 2023
  • 7:00 AM
  • March 01, 2024
  • 7:30 PM
  • Alaska


Registration is closed

Alaska Self-Guided Trip - 2024

This trip is planned for the last week of August or the first week of September 2024.  The approximate cost is $2000-$2500 per person for one week.  The anglers will be staying at a lodge and the fishing is self-guided.  Species that can be caught are Silver Salmon, Dolly Varden, and Sea Run Trout.  If you are interested, register here and the Fishmeister, Martin Plotkin, will contact you when the details are finalized.

Registration and Costs:

Your registration here is only for the purpose of communicating interest for 2024.

Approximate costs of $2000 - $2500


For more information please contact Martin Plotkin.

TVFF Cancellation Policy

To sign-up for a TVFF Event  that is currently open for registration and chargeable (as set by the Fishmeister), you must both register and pay online, or via check or cash, within two weeks of registering (sent to the TVFF Treasurer) whatever fee is described for that particular Event (trip) at the time of registration. There may be multiple payments required before the trip is actually taken (usually in the case of expensive trips), but it is necessary that you do make payment in the above timely fashion for the initial amount to secure your position on the trip.  However, please note that you are still responsible for the entire amount of the trip if you should need to cancel. 

Once you are registered, there are no refunds for chargeable Events and trips.  In the situation that a member is, for any reason unable to attend, they may resell their registration slot to another TVFF member (by first pulling from the waitlist if one exists).  New participants must come first from the waitlist in the order they signed up.  The member cancelling is fully and solely responsible for contacting potential members to replace them and notifying the appropriate Fishmeister.

If an event/trip is fully registered and closed to registration, you may still sign up on the Wait List to be notified if there are any cancellations.  In such a case of registering provisionally on the Wait List, you do not have to pay until such time that you clear the Wait List and are confirmed for participation.

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