Event Description:
This is a broad-based fishing excursion in La Paz, Mexico hosted by guide Gary Bulla with fishing for Dorado, rooster, mangrove snapper, yellowfin, grouper, wahoo, and cabrilla pargo.
Cost per person includes all food, beverages (including beer) and single occupancy accommodations, not including airfare, airport shuttle, licenses, and guide tips. A deposit of 50% of the total trip is due by April 7th to secure your position on the trip.
Cash price: You may pay by check or cash directly to the Club Treasurer within two weeks of registration and not pay the credit card surcharge of 3.0% if you desire. If you do pay cash you will be put into "Pending Registration" until your payment is received within the two weeks. Late payments will require you to register once again if their is space still available. Cost of $2,980 per angler.
Credit Card price: Price of $3,069.40 includes the payment by credit card with the 3.0% surcharge.
Fishmeister: Jim Broadbent
Accommodations and Food: All lodging (single occupancy) and locally and home cooked food is provided, as is daily guide services.
Gear and Tackle Recommendations:
To be sent out via email later in the summer to all registrants.
Rod & line weights/types:
Leaders and tippet:
Other gear;
TVFF Cancellation Policy:
To sign-up for a TVFF Event that is currently open for registration and chargeable (as set by the Fishmeister), you must both register and pay online, or via check or cash, within two weeks of registering (sent to the TVFF Treasurer) whatever fee is described for that particular Event (trip) at the time of registration. There may be multiple payments required before the trip is actually taken (usually in the case of expensive trips), but it is necessary that you do make payment in the above timely fashion for the initial amount to secure your position on the trip. However, please note that you are still responsible for the entire amount of the trip if you should need to cancel.
Once you are registered, there are no refunds for chargeable Events and trips. In the situation that a member is, for any reason unable to attend, they may resell their registration slot to another TVFF member (by first pulling from the waitlist if one exists). New participants must come first from the waitlist in the order they signed up. The member cancelling is fully and solely responsible for contacting potential members to replace them and notifying the appropriate Fishmeister.
If an event/trip is fully registered and closed to registration, you may still sign up on the Wait List to be notified if there are any cancellations. In such a case of registering provisionally on the Wait List, you do not have to pay until such time that you clear the Wait List and are confirmed for participation.